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An Interesting Frankfurt Web page

I found this page today. It has 360° surround photos and includes sound. Thought it was kinda cool and might be interesting for anyone who is coming here. The Christmas Market is good as you can hear the all the church bells ringing.

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2153 posts

Jo - great website and what a beautiful city! Germany is on my list of places to visit and I can't wait. thanks for the info.

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9143 posts

Thanks, I think it is beautiful too. Now, if I can only persuade some more people to come here and see for themselves what a wonderful city this is. Glad you enjoyed the website.

We just went to Cleveland 3 weeks ago and visited the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. What a fabulous place. My daughter and I loved it and even my mom in law thought it was great. Wish I could have seen more of Cleveland though, it looked like an interesting city, much more cosmopolitan than Columbus.

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2153 posts

Hi Jo – glad you enjoyed your visit to Cleveland! My connection to Germany is through my grandmother, she came to the US from Rottenberg in 1922. We had many nice conversations about her childhood there; she passed away a few years ago (at 97 1/2). I’d like to do some genealogy research one day.