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Amsterdam to Germany to Paris


I am planning on taking a trip to Amsterdam and Paris. I have a couple of days that I can use in between the two cities and I would like to see something in Germany as I have never been there. It looks like Cologne is not to far out of the way but I am not sure if it is worth spending a couple of days in. Any suggestions on where to go in Germany while staying in the western region?

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1358 posts

I would eagerly spend two days in Cologne. There is much to see there.

Research the 'sights' and 'attractions' before you go to be sure you don't miss something of interest to you.

The train ride to Cologne will be interesting for you.

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12040 posts

Nearby Aachen has some interesting history as well.

Posted by
591 posts

I've done a similar route via train - a stop in Cologne to visit the Cathedral is worthwhile (it's right by the station), but I don't think it's worth a couple of days. You could continue up the Rhine to Koblenz, then switch trains and continue to Trier. Trier is a former Roman settlement with lots of history. As it's on the banks of the Mosel River, it's in a pretty setting and is small enough so you can walk to most places of interest. From Trier to Paris, you could go via Luxembourg City which is well worth a visit. The train route goes along the Rhine and Mosel Rivers much of the way and you'll see many castles on the hilltops of both rivers.

Posted by
12313 posts

In two days you could easily visit Koln and Bonn or you could spend a day on the Rhine or Mosel Rivers.

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6928 posts

I think Tim's on the right track. Here are my suggestions for a quickie 2-nighter:

Day 1) Get an early start. Amsterdam-Cologne. The city center and sights are compact. Spend several hours, have a meal. Train to Koblenz for overnight near the station.

Day 2) Stow bags at station or with hotel if close enough to station. Train to Marksburg ( ) for a tour of the Rhine's best-preserved medieval castle. Train back to Koblenz and on to Trier for overnight. Stay near the town square, see some sights that afternoon and evening and the next morning before moving on to Paris.

Posted by
34 posts

Thanks for the replies. These are all good ideas! It looks like I have some viable options to see a little bit of Germany on my trip!

Posted by
1568 posts

We stayed in Aachen and Trier.....very interesting towns.