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Amsterdam Streets are paved in what manner?

Are the streets in the tourist sections of Amsterdam cobblestones or paved flat? I want to know because I will wear a certain type of shoe for cobblestones.

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1840 posts

The streets in Amsterdam have all kinds of paving, cobblestones, asphalt, concrete, pebbles, etc. At some of the traffic lights where curb cuts have been made there will be wide sections of yellow bumpy paving to alert persons with special needs that a light is before them. My wife wears shoes that have good support on the bottoms and the sides although they don't resemble combat boots. They are mary jane looking. Sometimes she wears dressy oxford style that have laces. She almost always wears black shoes. You need something with a little bounce. I, on the other hand, have to accomodate feet that have hauled fanny for a lot of years.

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175 posts

Debbie, sorry to give you this answer but both the level streets and sidwalks of Holland are a mixture - some cobblestone, some concrete. I lived in The Netherlands for three years and it was always interesting to watch the make work project of men flipping the stones each year. Yep, I mean ALL the stones. I have seen lots of women wearing high heels and I have seen lots of women with ankle braces. You don't see men with ankle braces - but - that doesn't mean that you should wear mens shoes!!! Be smart and have a wonderful trip.

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23723 posts

Amsterdam is no different than any other old European city. A mixture of smooth concrete, broken asphalt, loose gravel, cobblestones - big and small, some bricks, and often in the same block. No way to forecast so dress for the worst.

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719 posts

Hi Debbie, As mentioned by others, the surface will be totally variable. My wife swears by Danskos, for their support and comfort. But it's funny: she'll wear them all year over here without a problem, but when she get's to Europe (anywhere from Scotland to Italy) she rolls her ankle incessantly. I can't explain it, as she'll even do it on a concrete sidewalk. It's become a bit of a joke between us, at this point.
I think that it has something to do with Europe's increased gravitational field...

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977 posts

Having just been in Amsterdam, the cobbled stoned streets (there are plenty of them) are the least of your worries. Beware of the bloody bikes. One of our taxi drivers described the cyclists in Amsterdam as 'animals'. We found over the 3 days there, that we had to be aware every second of their presence. Apparently bikes rule. They take precedence over all manner of vehicles.