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Amsterdam or Haarlam?

We are traveling to the Netherlands in late March. We want to see Amsterdam and the surrounding area particularly the flower gardens at Kuekenhof. The question is, would the better option be to stay in Amsterdam or Haarlam? I know I can take the train between whichever city I choose. I'd love to hear about experiences from people who stay in Amsterdam and those who stay in Haarlam.

Also I had an earlier question about Kuekenhof. I think we'll be going a little early to see everything in bloom but I guess that just means we'll have to go back another time!

Thanks for any advice.

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881 posts

Hi, Nancy. There are many more sites to see in Amsterdam, but it is also more hectic, and touristed. (Which can be nice, as the systems are in place to tourism.) Haarlem is still a bustling town, but more relaxed (outside the shopping district). It's pretty easy to get between the two 15 min, constant trains.

If it's a weekend, I might suggest Haarlem. Catch mass at the pretty incredible Cathedral, and enjoy a cafe in the square. There is also a wonderful market on Saturdays, with lots of fresh local cheeses, produce, flowers, etc. Thursday is late shopping night, which can be fun.

Otherwise, it's kind of 1/2 dozen of one, 6 of the other. Both place have great reasons to stay.

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53 posts

Thanks Chris.

In case it makes a difference to the answers, we'll be there a Thursday thru Tuesday.

Posted by
881 posts

That would be a very nice time to be in Haarlem then.

It's the main shopping town for the area, and it's gets crazy fun on Thursday nights with late shopping night, everyone is out and walking around, and the majority of the downtown core is walking streets only.

Some recommendations:
The market on Saturday is wonderful, and you can really Rick Steves/ETBD style travel there by grabbing stuff for a picnic. There also seems to be a bakery, and cheese store every few feet. hehe

The Bavo Kerk in the main square does Sunday mass, and has one of the most incredible pipe organs in all of Europe, if that's your thing: I've also found it to be one of my favorite cathedrals.

The Hiding Place is a touching place to visit, with a story almost as powerful as Anne Frank's. It is run by very proactive born again christians, so there is active missioning on the tour (if that's not your thing), but it's a powerful experience.

There's an incredible ice cream shop down Klein Heillighland.

AND - Amsterdam is only 15 mins away. LOL So there's no real need to miss anything there. :)

Rick's also got some great suggestions for other thing s in Haarlem. I used to live there, so don't know a tonne about the tourist(y) stuff. But I hope that all gave you some food for thought! :) Chris

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3261 posts

Hi Nancie,
I've stayed in both Amsterdam and Haarlem and I prefer Haarlem! It's a very short train trip to Amsterdam and a nice place to relax after a busy day sight seeing.

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193 posts

I agree with Chris and Sharon. I stayed in Haarlam vs Amsterdam and we enjoyed it much more. The short train trip to Amsterdam is worth the quiter setting of Haarlam at night.

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242 posts

Since you think you are too early to see the gardens (although the open March 19th, so you might want to check on the blooms closer to your travel time), why not go to the flower auctions in Aalsmeer? (for more information: You can figure out the public transport at (choose English and use the address to find the right combination of train/bus/tram - if you need help let me know).

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4132 posts

We've always stayed in Haarlem, so I can't make an informed comparison for you. But Haarlem makes a spectacular base. Just find a place not too far from the train station.

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3261 posts

A nice budget option in Haarlem is Hotel Amadeus--a 5 minute walk from the train station right on the main square.

Hotel Amadeus

Posted by
53 posts

I'm sold on Haarlam.

Anyone have personal experience with House de Kiefte? It is recommended in RS book but I'd like some personal experience if anyone can share.

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360 posts

I stayed at the Hotel Amadeus April 2007. I liked Haarlam & the hotel was OK, but I much prefer to stay in Amsterdam. Everyone says that Haarlam is 15 train ride from Amsterdam, but no one mentions that the ride is only part of it. You have to walk to the station, buy your ticket, wait for the train, exit Centraal station in Amsterdam & then get to where you're going (which is probably not right around the station). I wouid say that if you're speedy, you're only 1/2 hr from Amsterdam & if you're not so speedy, count on an hour. I prefer to spend that hour in Amsterdam by staying in a centrally located hotel. My preference is on one of the canals.

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9109 posts

I also prefer to stay in Amsterdam. Some people seem to view Haarlem as a cheaper/mini version of Amsterdam, but I see them as different distinct places. Haarlem is indeed cheaper, and more tranquil, but I love Amsterdam's energy, diversity, and cultural attractions- and I'm willing to pay more for it. I don't hate Haarlem and have made many short trips there. In fact, one of my favorite art museums in all of Europe is the Frans Hal, but for my tastes Haarlem is a bit boring.

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3551 posts

I have stayed in both cities . Depending upon how many days you have to stay & where you will be sightseeing the most. the train can get expensive back and forth from Haarlem. But H is definately worth a days visit.

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316 posts

I've got to say Haarlem. I spent a week at the Hotel Amadeus in 2007 and loved it. Since the station is just a few minutes walk from the square in both towns, I didn't feel the commute was a problem and I definitely enjoyed the evenings in Haarlem.The Indonesian restaurant Rick recommends is fantastic as was a little restaurant just across the bridge on the walk back from the train station. The Anne Frank House was a not-to-be missed experience. But when I went to the Corrie ten Boom House in Haarlem, I was the only person there and got a private tour which was incredible. My day trips to Delft, Arnhem, etc. were by train so my starting point didn't matter. Also, you can get a bus from in front of the station that takes you directly to Schiphol in 40 minutes. The only reason I would recommend Amsterdam instead would be for those who would like a lively nightlife (and who wanted to spend more for a hotel!).Just a little side note - I was sick for my entire trip and wasn't as impressed by the Netherlands as I have been of other countries and didn't think I'd ever want to go back. When I got back home, got well and developed my pictures I thought "Wow, this was just beautiful!" I hope you have a great (and well) trip wherever you decide to stay!

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711 posts

We photograph in The Netherlands and love it there. Although we travel by car ... it is so easy to drive or bike for that matter, we always go to Amsterdam and then we stay in Lisse. You can walk to the Keukenhof and see many bulb fields. You will be a little early , but the Keukenhof will be open. We like to stay in the Hotel Fita, or the Hotel Wiechmannn while we are in Amsterdam... have wanted to stay in the Suite 259. but we never did.