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Amsterdam Coffeehouses

Have they restricted visitors to the coffeehouses in Amsterdam yet? I know they were looking at barring foreigners from them, but I can't seem to find out the final word or ruling.

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9109 posts

As of right now foreigners over 18 can patronize the coffeehouses in Amsterdam. The proposal to ban non-Dutch is still working its way through the system, it's not known when or if it will be enacted. To give an example of how slow these proposals can crawl through Amsterdam bureaucracy, about four years ago the City announced it would be closing about 75 % windows, and all of the "theaters" in the Red Light District. Four years later not much has changed in the RLD.

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73 posts

Amsterdam is actually against this initiative, but it is currently a matter of national politics. With some in favour and some not, so there is still a long way to go before there will be an actual change in the law (and there is a matter of EU-laws against discrimination, although I do not expect a lot of opposition from other EU member states on this matter). So no changes there, at the moment.

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10 posts

Thank you very much for the responses. That's kind of what I had surmised, but it's nice to get confirmation. It won't stop me from visiting this beautiful place, but good to know if the rules have changed!

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4412 posts

The articles I have read about this only concerned border cities...have the potential restrictions spread to all towns and cities?

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976 posts

I've only read what Eileen's posted.
In Dec. last year, all were welcome.

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73 posts

Like I said, no changes so far, but there is a lot of discussion going on whether this should be introduced nationwide - the government is pro, some cities (including Amsterdam) are against limitation of access. There is no telling when (if at all) this is introduced.