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Amboise to St. Mere Englais -how to get there?.

We are traveling from Amboise to Normandy to take a tour with Battlebus tours, which leave from St Mere Englais. I figure driving will take about 4 1/2 hours if we do not get lost. I have tried to rail Europe site but it doesn't seem to be any better. Does anyone know the best way to do this? We are traveling on a Saturday. Thanks!

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9110 posts

Driving, it's more like three hours and a very little bit since it's four lane all the way after Tours.

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69 posts

Thanks so much for the reply. I was really getting concerned about travel nightmares! I need to confirm our Battlebus tour tomorrow so this is a relief. Thanks.

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9436 posts is a great website to show you the route, the distance, etc. Be sure to get the spelling right, St. Mere Eglise, when you put in your info. St. Mere Eglise is a charming town and the story that took place there is fascinating.

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69 posts

Thanks very much for the Michelin link and the spelling correction. It will be much easier than my map!