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Alsace -- where to stay for 2-3 nights

I'll be traveling through Alsace in Mid-September. Suggestions, please, on where to stay for 2-3 nights and which towns/villages/wineries are must see's. Thanks

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3261 posts

I'd suggest staying in Colmar--there is plenty to do there for 2-3 nights--you could daytrip to Strasbourg from there.

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2779 posts

Especially beautiful is Wissembourg in the North close to the German border. The market square is pretty romantic, it would make for a great day trip. Alsace isn't that big, you could even base yourself at Strassbourg (I love having dinner on the Old fish market square, feels very mediterranian). From Wissembourg you could continue the wine road until Roth unter Riedburg, which is a great wine village. Also a day trip to Baden Baden would be possible and interesting. If you're into history there is a former Nazi concentration camp at Natzweiler called Strutthof (that's in Alsace, not Germany).

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875 posts

Colmar is a beautiful small town, and a great base from which to visit the wine route -- the little villages and wineries north from Colmar, such as Kaysersberg, Turkheim, Riquewihr. Check out this website:
Have a great trip!

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525 posts

It has been several years since we have been to France, but, when we were in Colmar, my husband and I rented bikes for the day. We headed out to the Route du Vin to all the little towns outside Colmar. We would be in one town and saw a castle ruin over on the "other hill". We got on our bikes and headed towards it. We rode through the vineyards (on roads). We saw another ruin and rode to it. We would stop in each town and tour, stop at stores who had the gustation (wine tasting). We were very tired at the end of the day when we arrived back in Colmar BUT, it was a wonderful experience. September is a great time to do this. A second trip we stayed in one of the littler towns outside Colmar.