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All Saint's Day

We will be in Paris on the weekend of Nov.1,2. November 1 is All Saint's Day. Since it is the weekend ,do any of you who live in Paris know if everything will be closed on Saturday and Sunday, or just Saturday? Do restaurants close? Will flea markets be closed? I know people go to the cemeteries, but wanted to know if things will be closed. Also, does school vacation begin then or when?

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506 posts

Most shops are always closed on Sundays - a few exceptions are on the Champs Elysees.

La Toussaint (All Saint's Day) will mean that some shops may be closed - it is a National Holiday.

Typically, restaurants in the tourist areas are still open - just not as many. Churches etc will be open - Museums will vary (check websites). Attractions such as the Eiffel Tower (which will be open) may also vary.

School holidays for Toussaint are October 25 to November 8 for the 2008-09 year.

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12313 posts

I have only been in Rome on All Saint's Day. After asking our Italian friend who assured us, "No problem, everything will be open," we went to the Vatican. We missed the Museum/Sisteen Chapel because it ended up being closed on All Saint's Day. Everything else was open and the Pope gave an address from the balcony over the square.

This doesn't really answer your question but maybe gives you an idea. I would expect most sites to be open with one or two exceptions. Outside of Rome, it's possible everything will be open.