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Alhambra Tickets- Part 2

Well, I have successfully found the website that Norm so kindly provided, and have attempted to order tickets. I am able to get to the very end, where it asks for my credit card information, and after entering the # and expiration date, the message comes back that this card is not valid! I have tried it several times, and get the same message. The card that I am using is my Alaska Airlines VISA that I have had for many years, and use it for all of my credit card purchases.....has anyone had this experience, and what would you suggest I do now? I so appreciate this helpline- I would be lost without it!

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7209 posts

Call your Credit Card company and tell them what happened. This happened to me with a perfectly good credit card, but my CC company saw that it was a foreign transaction and "DECLINED" the charges. So it was MY credit card company that was causing the problem.

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4555 posts

Betsy...two things...the 5 minute time limit mentioned earlier...and the CVC or CVVC, that three-digit security number. If you've covered those bases, then I'm at a loss to explain why it won't take your card. If it still won't then you can call them direct at 011-34-934-923-750. They should have someone who can speak to you in English. I'm not sure if it's 24 hour service, so you might try calling weekdays during normal business hours....unfortunately, they're 9 hours ahead of you!

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655 posts

Betsy... Has it worked yet? I used my American Express credit card. Not my first choice but the one that I'll have with me when I get there. During the process I came to a screen that said they had found my card not to be one that was issued in Spain so I must fill in my name, address, phone, email, etc. I did that and they issued the voucher for the tickets. It IS possible that your bank or credit card company is declining an overseas charge. I didn't have that problem this time but I know that they do check.

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10 posts

I'm having big problems booking, too. Website is simply saying "Your transaction was not possible", before I even enter credit card info

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28 posts

After almost a week of trying different things, I was finally able to complete my transaction! First, it rejected me with the "not valid" stuff, and then, when I switched credit cards, I got a different message: We detect that this credit card was not issued to you in Spain. Therefore, we will need more contact information." They wanted a US address, cell phone, etc. I have come to the conclusion that their website is extremely sensitive, and perseverence is the only way! I didn't contact my credit card company through all of this, but definately will before we leave (March 10), to let them know that I will be using it in Spain and then France!