We are flying into Paris mid May. Can someone please tell me about the Metro that runs from the airport into Paris? Is the metro from the airport running above ground at any point in time, or is it below ground all the way? I ask because when we took a train from downtown Philadelphia into Manhattan, the train ran above ground 99% of the time until we got to the river, then it went underground for a couple of miles (no more than 5 or so minutes) to Penn station. I was wondering if the Metro did something similar. The reason I ask...this is our first visit and view of Paris. We don't want to spend the trip from the airport into Paris center all the way underground. We want to see as much of Paris as we can. I know the alternative would be a taxi. We would prefer not to take a taxi...(bad taxi experiences in Manhattan and Las Vegas)...a limo would be too expensive. What about a bus? Are there other alternatives I haven't thought about? Thanks. Alanna from Houston
Alanna, the Roissy Bus travels above ground although there are some spots on the way that are not too attractive. It drops you off at Opera Garnier and you can either Metro or taxi from there. The bus is 9 Euros per person I believe? http://www.ratp.fr/en/ratp/r_28065/roissybus/ Good Luck.
Thanks Mike, that is a wonderful idea. I looked up the site up gave, I found all the information I needed. Would you say that the bus is as safe, less safe or more safe than the metro? Alanna from Houston
Alanna - I like taking the Roissy bus from CDG and can assure you that it is very safe. Buy your ticket from the driver and take your bag on board with you. They used to store the luggage in the storage area below the bus but the last time I took it (Sept 2010), you brought your bag onto the bus with you. Enjoy your trip!
Alanna, yes it is definitely safe. The bus picks-up people at the airport only. It's more of a shuttle than a public transit-style bus. It does not stop until it reaches Opera Garnier.
That is good to know. Thanks for helping me make that decision. We will be taking the Roissy bus then from the airport and back. I like the fact that it goes straight from the airport with only destination stop. A nice way to see parts of Paris that we might not have seen if we were below ground. :) Alanna from Houston