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Airport Strikes in Spain..continuous thru the summer!

Lola posted this over in Transportation: "Apparently the British news sources are all over this, other wise it is pretty much flying under the radar: 20+ strike days planned, starting in April around Easter, and continuing into summer. Very worrisome for those of us going to Spain in late April." Lola Seattle, WA 3/9/11 The dates specified are 20, 21, 24, 25 and 30 April; 2, 14, 15, 19 and 20 May; 13, 23 and 30 June; 1, 2, 3, 4, 15 and 31 July; and 1, 15 and 31 August. " " Gird your loins!"

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10 posts

I had read about this on TripAdvisor. We are flying home from Spain on the 25th of April. This is our first trip abroad and I'm just lucky I have my ducks in a row as it is. What, if anything, should we be doing?

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1326 posts

Anybody know what this means? I'll be flying in and out of Spain near the June/July dates. Will flights be cancelled?

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17244 posts

Lisa, there is not much you can do but wait and watch the news. We (meaning those of us who have tickets to or from Spain on or around those dates) are hoping the strikes will not happen. There are negotiations under way now, and many Spanish people on Tripadvisor have stated that the government won't let it happen. But it is good to keep an eye on it. Grier, since your travel dates are later, it may well be resolved by then. No need to be alarmed at this point---just informed.

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10 posts

Thanks, Lola. That's what I had figured anyway. I guess we just wait. We certainly aren't going to cancel. If we have to stay another day or two (and hopefully that's all it would be) then I guess we have to. The only bad part is if we have to miss even more work for this trip. Just makes it a bit more expensive. Sighhhh.