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Affordable accomations in Luzern or Bern, or in between

We are a couple trying to book affordable places to stay 2 nights in Luzern or Bern. We have looked all over, but we don't seem to find anything under 80 Euros a night. We are low key, so a room at someone house would do..... Does anyone has any information?

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693 posts

Check on hostels in both cities and try

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7209 posts

Affordable and Switzerland are oxymorons as you will soon find out first hand. Nothing is affordable in Switzerland - especially when you compare it with typical prices in the US.

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2297 posts

80 Euro/night??? you do know that Switzerland does have its own currency? You'll pay a premium if you check out hotels that are willing to accept Euros in place of CHF. 80 Euros would equal just about 100 CHF. Switzerland can be a bit more affordable if you are interested in staying off the beaten path and in less touristy areas. We stayed for a week in the Emmental region which is kind of half way between Luzern and Bern and similar distance to Interlaken. Rented a vacation appartment with 2 bedrooms at the cost of 80 CHF/night for 4 people (less if you rent it for a couple). The owners live in the house as well, we had a view of the Alps ... This particular accommodation does require a car but you could check out other places in the region.