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adventure in Spain

I am interested in outdoor adventure in Spain, like biking or kayaking or hiking or canyoning. I found one ideal spot in Grazalema but I need suggestions on public travel there or other ideas for adventure.

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160 posts

Well, last summer I walked the 500-mile Camino Frances trail across northern Spain. I began in St. Jean Pied-de-Port in France, and 40 days later I walked into Santiago, Spain.

This trail is the most popular of the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage routes. It crosses two mountain ranges and runs through the hot, dry meseta. It began long ago as a religious pilgrimage, but today thousands of folks do it for various reasons, both religious and secular. Many people also bicycle the route, although that gets a bit hairy on certain segments of the trail (there are alternate routes for bikers as well).

Many folks walk the route carrying everything in a backpack, as I did. The climate varies from hot (the meseta) to rainy/windy (in the mountain ranges). All along the way are albergues (pilgrim hostels) that pilgrims can stay in for cheap (10 Euros or less), and even for free. The albergues are usually co-ed - and that includes the bathrooms. Some folks elected to stay in regular hotels, while others slept outside and camped in tents. You can make it as hard or as easy as you like.

I suppose I wouldn't call it an extreme adventure trip, but it was pretty adventurous to me. The scenery was beautiful, the people were interesting, and the history was amazing. Plus, I lost about 20 pounds, even though I ate and drank anything I wanted! The terrain varies from roadside to mountain paths, and everything in between.

Anyway, you can google "Camino de Santiago" and find out more info about it. Doing the trek was one of the greatest adventures I've ever had, and someday I hope to return and walk another of the routes. Good luck in Spain doing whatever adventure you pick!

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9369 posts

Outdoor sports are really big in northern Spain. The principality of Asturias is something like 60% public lands and parks, and there are hiking trails everywhere. Kayaking is big around Ribadesella, further to the east.