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Advance train ticket to Versailles necessary?

Is it necessary to purchase train tickets from Paris to Versailles in advance (before we leave the US for Paris)? We have tickets for the Les Juments de la Nuit spectacle on a Saturday evening, and would like to go to Versailles earlier in the day to explore, as well as see the fountain spectacle.
Also, does anyone know how late the trains run from Versailles to Paris? I think Les Juments de la Nuit will run fairly late.

Thanks again for any information!


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4555 posts

No need to purchase the tickets in advance. It's like a commuter rail system so no advance purchase is actually available from the U-S. Don't worry, tho, you will be OK for the trains. There are trains every half hour, on the 20 and 50, until 11:50 pm. Just double check for your date to make sure they haven't shifted the schedules.

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506 posts

and as a reminder - board the train going to Versailles Rive Gauche (Chateau Versailles).