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accommodations in Rome, May 2nd '08

I am looking for a B&B, Dorm, Hostel clean place to put my head while staying in Rome for 2-3 nights before flying home. Would even trade accommodations in my home in Venice, Fl. for the same in Rome.....anyone have any suggestions of where I should start? I'll be coming off of a cruise and want to stay over for a few days...Don't want to spend $200-$300.00 per night....soooo I'll be looking for suggestions...Thanx

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We liked staying in Casa per Ferie Santa Maria alle Fornaci dei Padri Trinitari. Rick describes it as having "54 stark, identical, utilitarian, mostly twin-bed rooms (Italy 2006 p. 597.)" It's a convent-type place that houses pilgrims and secular tourists very near the Vatican. It's clean, comfortable, and affordable. The e-mail address for information is: [email protected]
We plan to stay there again when we return to Rome. If you're interested I'd book soon as it fills quickly.