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A trio of Salzburg questions

On our way to Austria in a few weeks and need just a little
more help! First,we are going to be doing day/overnight trips from our base, the Honhensalzburg Fortress. Can I purchase a Bayern Ticket to Rothensberg ob der Tauber
without too many problems?
Secondly,as far as fine tuning etiquette,I heard from different sources that it might be disrespectfull to wear shorts? And thirdly,in the same area something about a spoon atop of your water glass.
Many thanks in advance.

Posted by
1358 posts

Yes you can buy a ticket.

As for shorts, you will see many locals wearing them as well as tourists.

If it turns cold while you are there, forget about them.

Posted by
19232 posts

You can not use a Bayern-Ticket for transport in Salzburg. You can purchase a Bayern-Ticket at the Hbf in Salzburg and use it to any place in Bavaria, including Rothenburg ob der Tauber.

Second, as far a shorts in Salzburg, I don't know if I wore them, but I don't know if it would have mattered. Ever hear of Lederhosen?

And, spoon on top of your water glass, what are you talking about? Why do you want to do that anyway?

Posted by
9145 posts

I have lived in Europe for almost 22 years and I don't know what the spoon on the water glass means either! hmm. Clue us in please. As to the shorts. Disrespectful to whom? Do you think Austrians don't wear shorts in the summer? Go to some Austrian websites and look at what people are wearing if you really want to know. It might be too cool for shorts anyway. Then your dilemma will be solved for you in the easiest way! :-) Have fun on your trip.

Posted by
135 posts

One more thing, there is no such thing as a routine glass of water at a restaurant. You have to ask for water and most people order bottled water if they drink it all with a meal. You may be lucky, weatherwise, but do take some warm clothes and rain gear.

Posted by
152 posts

Shorts were everwhere in Austria in August. By September you will probably need to wear long pants. Especially at night it gets very cool. Start now checking the weather. I was in Rothenberg lasst summer and it rained everyday. I changed jeans three times in one day. It was a cold rain. Very discouraging as we wanted to do the Night Watch Tour.

Posted by
189 posts

Just got back from Austria so I envy you. Agree about the shorts. Are you confusing this with shorts in churches in Italy?? Lots of shorts when it was warm, but bring long pants. You'll thank us later.

As for spoon on water, never heard of it. And, yes, beware of the "we don't know what you mean by tap water" looks you get in restaurants. Fill up your own water bottle and carry it with you. Most of the overpriced bottled water you will be sold in restaurants I'm sure comes from the tap in the kitchen anyway!

Posted by
216 posts

If you want still water, ask for "Leitungswasser". You may get a funny look, but the locals know what that is (and it's normally very good water).

Otherwise, you can purchase Still Water in bottles or Mineralwasser (effervescent).

Spoon on glass? Must have been in some American spy movie. However, it would behoove all to know how to signal a waiter when you are finished eating (utensils side by side on the plate) or not (crossed utensils).

Posted by
9145 posts

Is Paul ever going to come back and tell us about the spoon on the water glass thing? We are all interested now.

Posted by
4 posts

Dug a little deeper in this wearing shorts issue.
I did not think there would be anything disrespectful,and thats why I asked. These "sources"
tried to clarify by noting that wearing shorts to a church or cathedral DURING a service might be or out dining in a nice restaurant.
Also, about this spoon thing, my friend said when they where in Salzburg, at dinner he noticed at the next table is where he saw the spoon on the glass,
but did not ask.
Now I just saw some travelers pictures on another website that showed a picture that someone took of their lunch/dinner and there it was. A glass of plain water and a spoon on the top! Now it might be a way of asking your server something but with all these replies it can not be worth being concerned about. Maybe the customer ordered it that why, to stir something into it!
Thanks again,