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"A dunk" in Germany?

No I'm not trying to say "thank you!" I'm curious about German bath-houses on the Eastern-more side of Germany. I won't have time in my trip to make it to places like Baden-Baden but I would love to be able to go to a tradtional bathhouse somewhere near Munich, Berlin, Dresden or Gorlitz. Something no more than an hour and a half away preferably.

Any suggestions? Oh and please post prices if you can recall! Thanks so much


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Not sure what YOU mean by a "traditional" bathhouse (Therme) in Germany, but I have been to several in the Black Forest, and they were coed and "texilefrei" (meaning no clothes).

I know of at least three (Bad Herrenalb, Freudenstadt, and Bad Wildbad) traditional Thermes in the Black Forest. Bad Wildbad is particularly nice, built at the beginning of the last century by a Count on a Moorish theme. Farther east, Bad Aubing might be traditional. It looks like the Watzmann Therme in Berchtesgaden is.