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A D-Day route

I am planning to follow the route of the D-Day troops in the re taking of Europe. Starting in England, crossing the English Channel to Normandie and then on from there to Germany, where I would like to visit Berlin, Munich and Nuremberg. Want to also cross into Switzerland and go to Zurich and Zollikon. Any experiences of with an organized tour company doing such a trajectory? Much appreciated, thanks. Timetable would be April of 2012.

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638 posts

Google "Band of Brothers Tours" and this should give you some ideas on companies that do this or at least very similar tours of what you are interested in. The price range seems to be anywwhere from 3900.00 and up. I haven't toured with the companies that do these particular tours but have toured with a company that did the D-Day beaches and Normandy campaign, Battlebus, but I've read somewhere they may not be in business any longer but the former guides are still in the business.

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2092 posts

We didn't do the Band of Brothers tour but the excellent American beaches tour by Battlebus tours--which no longer exists. It's now by Paul Woodadge and costs 85E per person. Knowing how excellent Battlebus tours were, I wouldn't hesitate to take one of Paul Woodadge's Band of Brothers tours or any of his tours for that matter!

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3313 posts

You know you're desired destinations are far beyond the Normandy invasion, don't you?

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638 posts

Now that I've had a little more time to look around, This looks like something you might be interested in, it seems to cover quite a bit of of the drive to Germany. Here is another tour that looks like it goes to the places you desire, When I toured with Battlebus my guide was Dale Booth, anyone associated with the old Battlebus company is well worth taking a tour with, they are all knowledgeable and passionate about the Normandy campaign, and they do have links on their sites to other tours in other parts of Europe.