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European vacation

We(husband, wife and 2 boys, 21 and 18) are planning a European vacation in May of '08. We plan on staying in Paris for 3-4 days, Rome for 3-4 days,and somewhere in between for 3 days. I have looked at apts in Paris and they are pretty comparable. We want to really get the feel of Paris where we stay. What area should we stay in? Same question for Rome. Also, what area should we definitely not miss(Switzlerland, Germany, Austria, etc.) between Paris and Rome. We only have 2 weeks and with travel dates, I figure we will only be able to spend 2-3 days at the 3rd location. Any and all info you can provide would be appreciated.

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347 posts

We are a family of 5 and have 3 weeks. We are trying this:So looks like we can fly into Rome and stay the 11-12-13, drive to Amalfi or close and stay 14-15-16 then drive north and stop in Pisa and end up some place for the night tour the next day 17th oil/cheese drive to Venice for 18-19-20. Take off for the alps 21-22-23. Paris the 24-25-26. Amsterdam the 27. London the 28-2nd.
Please let mw know what you find.

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6898 posts

If you are looking to take the train to Rome, it goes in two general directions out of Paris. One direction goes through Provence and Nice and then into the most Northwestern part of Italy along the coast. This train will go through the Cinque Terre on it's way to Rome. The second route goes East into Switzerland where you will change trains in either Basel or Bern depending on your train run out of Paris. From there, you have options in the southern part of Switzerland. If your trip is in late May, I would suggest considering the Lauterbrunnen Valley which contains Lauterbrunnen, Murren, Gimmelwald, Wengen, Grindlewald and the the two mountain top sites Jungfrau and Shilthorn. In late May, the wildflowers are in full bloom at the 5,000' level and in the morning, the farmers are walking their cows with their Swiss Bells up to higher pasture. Note that it's a 8.0hr-10-hr. train journey to Rome from Lauterbrunnen.

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1717 posts

I think Larry's suggestion is good : visit Lauterbrunnen Valley area (Berner Oberland)in Switzerland. Read about that in the book "Rick Steves' SWITZERLAND", or the book "Rick Steves' BEST OF EUROPE 2008".

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4132 posts

The Berner Oberland is a brilliant destination. But logistically I'm not sure it works on such a short trip.

It's really too far and hilly to drive in the time you have.

By train it's about 6 hours from Paris to Interlaken (more if you are heading on into the mountains, as you should) and 8 hours from there to Rome. (A good option might be the night train, though; 4 of you in one first-class-couchette compartment.) That leaves you 1-2 days there; what if it rains?

I don't want to throw too much cold water--it is still doable and could be lovely (though short). I just think you should develop a Plan B to compare it to.

Plan B might be a stop in Provence, which is markedly different from Paris and where there is lots to see and do. The transportation connections are easy. You might think of a night train between there and Rome. Or, just fly to Rome from Paris.

That time of year I'd also weigh traveling south-north, but it should be good everywhere whichever way you go.