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New Year's Eve in Paris

My friend and I will be in Paris at New Years. We're both VERY familiar with the city, but we just want some good Ideas on what to do for the big night!?

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416 posts

What ever you do, I do NOT recommend being around the Eiffel Tower or the Champs that night. Been there, done that. I was there a few years ago and endured having lit firecrackers thrown at me (moronic attempts by young males to make women scream--I did not fulfill their childish desires) and a young British girl had her cell phone stolen as she was talking on it by a gang of thugs who knocked her father on his kiester. I learned later that there were riots on the Champs that night with molotov cocktails and bricks through shop windows. Oh, and the Eiffel Tower was a big bore at midnight. No organized fireworks or anything.

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Thanks! We've both spent enough time in the city to have NO desire to be near the tourist-centric areas - no matter what day of the year it is. Where would we find the 20-somethings crowd?