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Guide In Paris

Hi - Our daughter and granddaughter are going to Paris in June. Does anyone know of a licenced guide that they could hire for the first day to get them started? I am thinking of helping them understand the subways, etc. Thanks, Ken

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2788 posts

Have they been to Paris (or Europe) before? If not, get them a copy of RS's "Europe thru the Back Door" guide/resource book. Next, do they have a copy of RS's "Paris Guide Book" yet? It not, you should get them one as soon as possible as it has lots of good information that should enable them to figure out where and how to go about the city. I go to Europe every summer and by using RS guide books, I have found it unnecessary to hire local guides except the ones who are on his tours which I also take every summer. I am sure that they will enjoy Paris. How long do they have there and what are they ages? That information will help others to respond more specifically to your post.

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32253 posts

Bill or Ken, As Charlie mentioned, it would be a really good idea to pack along a copy of the Paris Guidebook, as it not only has good information on using the Metro and RER, but I believe there are also local Guides listed there. You could also consider the new Pocket Paris Guidebook or one of the E-book versions (if weight is an issue). I don't know if he'll be available when your daughter and grand daughter will be in Paris, but I would highly recommend This Guide (there's an E-mail link on the page). Cheers!

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65 posts

Hi Charlie and Ken, Thank you very much for your resonses. I appreciate it very much. My daughter is 43 and grandaughter is 11. They are staying at a hotel in the Latin quarter where my wife and I stayed once. I will follow up on your advice on the guide books. My thinking was it would be good if they could get some help learning to use subway system, maybe just the first day. But I was just exploring the idea, checking to see if anyone else does it, etc. Thanks, Bill

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9435 posts

I'm sorry I don't know of any, but I think it's a great idea. I'll be happy to volunteer! When does our flight leave? :)

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818 posts

Google "Paris Greeters" - they changed their name. Our first trip (with our son) was to Paris and we arranged a guide through Paris Greeters (Sarah) and this was still after many trips one of our favorite days ever. She took us around her neighborhood. We just had a great day. Email your date and they'll attempt to match you up with a guide - you pay a suggested donation. Check them out.

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524 posts

Bill Contact Karen Heinrich at She will be able to help your daughter and granddaughter. One of her tours is especially "a get oriented tour " of Paris. Often uses American / Canadian guides. They will have so much fun. Bobbie

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10361 posts

I agree with Bronwen that Paris Greeters is a great program. Not to get them oriented, but to give them an in depth look at a neighborhood. I finally did this on my 3rd trip to Paris and it was a wonderful afternoon.