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Northern Spain

A group of 4 or 6 of us will be traveling to northern Spain in Sept. WE will spend 2 weeks and want to see Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Basque country. What are THE MOST SEE places, beaches, small towns, etc. We will fly in and out of Madrid. We will drive to Galicia, with a stop at Salamanca (1 night). What else shpuld we visit on the way to Galicia and back from Basque Country. Ideas about places to stay and eat are very welcome. We all speak Spanish. Thanks, Gladys.

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23461 posts

That is such a broad question as to be impossible to answer within the limit space available for answers. Cannot write a guidebook for you. Check out Steves' Spain book and some of his DVDs on northern Spain. Other good guidebooks will also answer your question.

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9363 posts

As much as I would like to recommend Steves' book, it will be of VERY little help in northern Spain. With the exception of Santiago de Compostela and a couple of other northern spots, he almost completely ignores the north. Lonely Planet would be a good guide there. As for my favorite places in the north: Picos de Europa national park, Oviedo, Gijon, Llanes, and Ribadesella. (Be aware, though, that unlike in Florida, Oviedo is NOT pronounced "Oveedo")

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3620 posts

I suggest you purchase the Cadogan guide for Northern Spain. It will give you detailed information about all the places you mentioned. We did a house exchange last year in Cantabria, and used the guide to ferret out places that are not on the main American tourist track. One we especially liked was the town of Comillas. BTW, I think you're planning to cover too much territory. The distances and driving times may surprise you. Use to get a handle on what is realistic for your time frame.

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30 posts

If you get a chance go to Ordessa canyon National Park. Beautiful mountain scenery and waterfalls. Torla is the closest town.

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1178 posts

Get a copy of The Moon Guide to Spain - Amazon...excelent source of information re history, traveling, and all aspect of the country. I have used it on several trips.

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14 posts

Thank you for all your suggestions!!! I welcome more!! I too have read numerous travel books and guidebooks but there is not much information regarding northern Spain. And, anyway, I find the information from fellow travelers more interesting since it usually talks about the "less-travelled" road, sights/hotels/restaurants not so well know.

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12172 posts

September should be nice. We're going in April but aren't going as far west or spending as much time along the Atlantic coast as you are. On the way to Galicia from Madrid, I think stopping in Avila, Salamanca and Zahara are good choices. You may want to add Segovia, El Escorial, and/or Valley of the Fallen depending on your preferences. After Salamanca, You're getting out of the area I've researched. We'll visit Valladolid and some castles in the area, La Mota, Coca and maybe Penafiel (I think I'll ask a question on the castles), on our way from Burgos. We'll also visit Vitoria, San Sebastian and Pamplona. I'm debating about stops in St. Jean Pied de Port and St. Jean de Luz, both on the French side of the border.

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45 posts

In Salamanca, there are lots of good restaurants if you walk south on either of the main streets out of Plaza Mayor. Make sure you are there after dark to see the Plaza all lit up! If you are in need of a good pastry, there is a delightful bakery at La Puerta De Zamora (walk straight under the clock in Plaza Mayor to the big roundabout intersection with the fountain) next to the cute little round church. You can't miss it! In Santiago de Compostela, try to get out in front of the Cathedral early in the morning. You'll get to see it without hundreds of tourists in front, and many pilgrims get there in the morning and it is really moving to watch them arrive. I went to the market Rick Steves mentions in his book and tried Pulpo Gallego for free. The whole market was great to walk around in. If you want a more big-city experience, I liked A Coruna. There is a really neat boardwalk that goes all along the northern coast and along the harbor. I stayed away from the downtown area there though. I have also heard really good things about Gijon, although I haven't been there.

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123 posts

Highly recommend San Sebastian quite beautiful and serene and I especially loved it for a walk on the beach. We spent 3 nights there at HOSTAL BAHIA which was great; Also did a day trip from SS by train to Bilbao for the Guggenheim. We rented a car as we were leaving San Sebastian (we were headed to Santiago de Compostela) drove to Burgos (about 3 or 4 hour drive) & stayed one night at Hotel Mesón del Cid - right next to the Cathedral. Simply magical! We then drove to Leon, stayed one night (at Hotel Paris which I would NOT recommend), then spent 3 nights in Santiago De Compostela. It was a lovely drive and Burgos and Leon are beautiful.