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currency exchange

Has anyone had problems exchanging $50 bills at post office or banks in France? 2 yrs. ago neither would accept $100 bills.

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1167 posts

It is far more convenient if you use an ATM rather than try to exchange currency at a bank or anywhere else. That will also give you the best exchange rate.

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11507 posts

Neal,, exchanging money at banks,, do you mean you bring a bunch of American money and just go to banks to convert it? Well, I wouldn't ever do that , and I imagine it has gotten harder not easier... why would they want American money? Then they have to process it,, Nope, just use an ATM to withdraw Euros as you need them. I take out as much as I can every few days.. keep bulk in the hotel safe or in my money belt if travelling, and then just carry a days cash around with me.

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12172 posts

Neal, Using an ATM rather than converting cash will save you money, choose a debit (or ATM) card that will work in Europe and charges reasonable fees.

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23460 posts

Since the $50 bill is the most frequented counterfeited US bill, many people, include those in the US, are reluctant to take a fifty. If carrying US, carry new 20s. Some places do not like old, worn money either.

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2 posts

Thank you all very much for your response/advice. 1. I have probably been spoiled by travelling throughout SE Asia where for the most part one does not have to worry about physical theft, therefore I always carry cash. 2. In recent European travels I immediately head straight to small villages where ATMs are sparse, spending only a day or two at most in entry cities, Paris, Vienna, Rome etc., therefore requiring trips/time to 'cities' where available. My bank (BOA) allows only $500 per day. 3. Perhaps I will use a combination of the two, cash/ATM! 4. Also, AtMs are not without risks so I have been told, ID theft, mugging near those close to tourist hotels etc. 5. It is a sad comentary about 'not wanting US $'s and the more likelyhood of physical theft' in the western world is it not?! 6. It is a pleasure to communicate with fellow Rick Steves travellers. I have used his books and videos to plan my travels and have been most pleased to take his advice as yours.
7. Again, I appreciate your comments/advice. As Rick would say, "Happy Travels". Neal

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23460 posts

I guess it is all a matter of perception. You have yours and I have mine. 1. We have traveled close to a year in Europe over the past 18 and have never worried about theft. I guess I don't perceive the risk of theft in Europe as any higher than elsewhere. I worry about being mugged in New York city. I have always been able to find ATMs. Afterall, ATMs are for the convenience of locals and not tourists. 2. You need a better bank that meets your needs. There are lots to choice from. 4. I don't think there is anymore risk to using an ATM than there is in giving your credit card to a waiter who walks away. Granted there are devices that can steal your number at ATMs BUT they are fairly easy to detect and avoided. We avoid stand alone ATM which are more prone to this problem and only use ATMs attached to banks. 5. Sad ?? Why?? Show me a merchant in the US who is eager to accept pounds, Euro, or any other foreign currency. I think it is arrogance to assume that US currency would be preferred over local currency, don't you?