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Prague or krakow

Looking for some opinions, I have 5 full days to do Prague and krakow. How should I do the split? We will be spending most of one day visiting auschwitz. I am thinking 2 days in Prague, leaving on night train of the 2 nd night, so only one full night in Prague. That leaves us with 3 days and 3 nights in krakow before flying home. Does that should good, or should we do an extra night in Prague and take one off krakow.

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4637 posts

Prague is quite bigger than Krakow and more to see. I would do it 3:2 for Prague.

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276 posts

My head agrees with Ilja; there are more must-see's in Prague and it is very photogenic. However, my heart says spend more time in Krakow. It is as beautiful as Prague though maybe not quite as dramatic, but more relaxed and charming, imo. Not as many must-see's, but plenty to do. They are both amazing, I don't think you can go wrong either way.

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837 posts

Have not been to Krakow, but I have never seen a more beautiful city than Prague.

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516 posts

Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Don't cut it short.

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294 posts

My wife and I did the same trip in Nov.2011. We spent 2 days in Prague and 3 in Krakow.We found Prague busy but we could have spent another day there easily. Krakow seems more relaxing for us. Auschwitz was a full day otherwise we would have spent 3 days in Prague and 2 in Krakow.
Shouldn't this question have been in "To the East"?

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258 posts

As someone who has been to both, I tend to agree w/ the posts above re: 3 days for Prague (if you can swing that w/ your schedule). I had 3 full days/2 nights (arrived by train early Fri AM, so had all of that day to sight-see, as well all day Saturday and the better part of Sunday; left Sun PM by train for Berlin), and while I pretty much did/saw all I wanted to, I actually would have preferred that 3rd night. My schedule just didn't permit this (as most of that trip was spent in Germany). Can someone get in most of the main/important sights in Prague in 2 days? Yes, sure (especially if you've planned ahead, have studied your map, know exactly what you want to see, etc.), but I just feel that that 3rd day would give you much more breathing room. Both are pretty amazing cities (and Auschwitz is a sobering, educational, emotional and memorable experience); you are sure to love both. Prague, in particular, is phenomenal; certainly 1 of my personal European favorites!

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1525 posts

We did both on the same trip in 2010 and I would agree with the others. Day 1 Prague Day 2 Prague Day 3 Prague - night train Day 4 Krakow/Auschwitz
Day 5 Krakow I actually like Krakow more than Prague, but Krakow is much smaller. You could spend several hours seeing Auschwitz/Birkenau and get back into Krakow at 5-ish and still have time to do lots of strolling and have dinner. One full day to do the other sights in the city is doable. Prague is beautiful. Just don't expect to see any regular Czech folks doing anything other than selling to tourists. I got the distinct feeling that no one actually lived in the city center - that it was a tourist attraction only. If you are adventurous with your lodgings, we found "Greg and Tom's" hostel (really just a large apartment) in Krakow to be a great value.