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Translation App

Any recommendations for a French translation App? We will be taking our iPhones with us to France this Spring.

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250 posts

For a quick and dirty phrase translator, I use iTranslate and like it. For a comprehensive dictionary complete with all tenses and conjugations, Ultralingua is superb!

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32325 posts

I'm assuming your iPhones are with AT&T? You may want to focus on Translation App's that will function off-line. If you use data roaming in Europe, you could incur some HUGE bills. I saw one example last year of an iPhone user that returned home to a $37,000 bill. Happy travels!

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32325 posts

Ken, Karen raised some excellent points regarding "dealing with the locals". I always try to follow the principle that "the best Translator is the one sitting on top of my shoulders", so I try to learn a bit of the local language prior to trips. If you primarily want a Dictionary App, you might have a look at the Wordroll language series. I've been using these for awhile for Italian, French, German and Spanish, both on the iPod Touch and iPhone and it works well. The App's are actually a lot more comprehensive than they first appear - "pressing and holding" a word brings up another screen with all kinds of information. They can also translate bi-directionally (ie: English to French or French to English). You might also check the App store, as Lonely Planet has a series of Translators available, which apparently work off-line. I've never used them so can't comment on how effective they are. Finally, you didn't clarify whether you were planning to use the Translator in "off line" mode, rather than using the cellular data network? You'll need to be extremely careful with data usage in Europe, or there will be a hefty bill waiting when you get home. Cheers!

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3050 posts

I have android so I use GoogleTranslate. I also use GoogleGoogles to translate paragraphs of text (You take a picture, it scans it, and gives you a translation. Can be tricky to make sure the app recognizes the full block of test, though). But yeah, they all use data so you'd have to have some way to access data cheaply on your phone while in France. If you can't, there are small portable translation devices you can buy separately, don't know if it would really be worth it for your trip, though. Even with the apps, I find myself most often just using a phrasebook. It can be a lot faster to find what I want to say. I tend to only use my translation app when I have plenty of time, like translating a word I don't know on a menu.

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2349 posts

I have no advice on the technical side of this, only on the personal. If you go up to a basically kind, but busy, local resident, and struggle with your language skills, and leaf through a dictionary or write something down in a notebook, you might get some help. But if you are fidgeting with your electronic gadget, you might just get irritate someone. I work in retail, and can't tell you how many times I ask someone what they want, and I get, "hold on, lemme check" while they fiddle with their phones. Putting an electronic device between the interaction of two people is annoying, and you won't endear yourself to them. I suggest you use your gadgets to translate menus and written things. But when dealing with people, please look at the person more than you look at the phone. (Or maybe I just need a day off...)

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250 posts

Oops! I do think the best advice, as in the above posts, is to be familiar with a good phrase book and have the basics down cold.

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20 posts

Thank you everyone. I was just wanting an App that would translate signs or menus quickly. I would always to try to communicate personally with my dictionary or try to speak some French. When traveled in Italy it was fun to try and speak with Italians or ask a younger person to translate for us. I remember seeing an App that did translate when pointing the camera at a sign on an APPLE ad, but cannot recall the name of it.

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32325 posts

Ken, "I remember seeing an App that did translate when pointing the camera at a sign on an APPLE ad, but cannot recall the name of it." You might be thinking about Babelshot I'm not sure if it works off-line or not?