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8 Days in Southern Germany

Hi! My friend and I are heading to Europe for an archaeological dig/student exchange program in the southern Czech Republic. We've got eight days to kill before the dig begins, specifically from June 22nd to June 30th. I wish we had more time, but summer session doesn't end until June 19th. We know we want to do southern Germany (and surrounding locales), but we aren't sure where.
We're looking at a few different options, but I'm pushing for flying into Salzburg, spending two and a half days there, then heading to Berchtesgaden. The National Park is calling my name. What I'm wondering is what y'all can recommend for way of what specifically to do while we're in the Berchtesgaden area? We're looking for a decently nice hotel that will cost us no more than 40 euros per night, per person (so 80 total, but that's the high end of things). We're very open to farmstays or guesthouses or things like that. Rather not do the usual youth hostel thing, even though we are students (we've done that bit before). Anywhere in the region is fine, from Berchtesgaden itself down to Schongau am Konigssee or wherever you know of something good. I'm very big on exploring the National Park, and that will take up at least two days of our time there (I wish it was more!). A friend of ours is also trying to talk us into taking a day trip to Fussen, but I don't know how feasible that is.

Aside from the hiking, what are some good sites that are easily accessible in this region? We want to keep it exciting, but we don't want to overburden ourselves either. We like to travel leisurely. The sheer scope of information I've found is overwhelming, but it's also incomplete. I'd like to get some firsthand reviews instead of the propaganda. What's great? What sucks? That sort of thing. Anyway, thanks a ton for your help!

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3 posts

Both of those places look great. I wish the websites were in English, though. The Karlingerhaus in particular looks fabulous. Maybe I'll contact them via e-mail and see if they can give me any info.

The other option my friend and I are looking instead of Salzburg/Berchtesgaden is Zurich/Schwarzwald. That was our initial plan, but I must admit that I am completely overwhelmed by the possibilities of the Black Forest. We only have a few days, so I don't even know where to begin. Has anyone hiked that region and know the best places? Diversity of landscape and doable as a day hike without having to sleep outdoors is a plus. There seem to be some services that will transfer your luggage from place to place, but I've only seen those available for package tours out of our price range. We'd probably want to hike to maybe three days tops.

Looking at all the different options, I can't even choose a main trail, much less what section of it I would want to do. Westweg, Ostweg, Querweg, Ortenauer, where to begin? I was initially interested in the Clockmaker's Trail starting in Triberg, but one site I read said that had closed. Does anyone know anything about these places, or could at least direct me to a worthwhile resource?

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1358 posts

Have you done searches on both of those areas? Probably finding the tourism website for those regions would have links for accomodations. You could easily find a Zimmer for the price you're willing to pay.

My in-laws spent a vacation on the Chiemsee and have raved about it ever since.

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3 posts

Oh, I've done searches. Extremely extensive searches. The problem is that there is too much to do in the Black Forest, and nothing stands head and shoulders above the rest. It all seems awesome. However, due to our time constraints, I think we are going to do Berchtesgaden instead.