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8 Days in Champagne and Burgundy...What's your list of Must See Towns?

We will have 8 days and a rental car to tour Champagne and Burgundy. What is your list of Must See towns? We're not interested in wineries, only the countryside and charming towns. Thanks!

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10344 posts

Burgundy: Beaune, La Rochepot, Semur-en-Auxois, Abbey of Fontenay, Flavigny.
Champagne: Reims, Epernay, Verdun (farther east is Lorraine and Alsace but you said Champagne).

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9437 posts

Thanks so much Kent! Your list is very helpful. Cheers!

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37 posts

Beaune, la Rochepot, and if you like Beaujolais wines, or wines in general, drive south from Beaune to Romaneche-Thorins and go to Georges DeBoeuf's "Hameau de Vin" - it is a wine museum with a bit of a Disney twist! Very well done. In the champagne region, we enjoyed the tour at Mumm and also at Mercier. They are very different from each other, so if you have time, do both.