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jungfrau or rhine?

I have 2-3 days to spend exploring while going between Venice and Paris. I am using public transportation and have never been to Europe before. I am looking for trip with smoothest journey, and it will be first week of March. Any advice? It was going to be Rhine area but flights to Frankfurt seem to be expensive and not very frequent....thanks everyone!

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33183 posts

This appears to be a duplicate post. If you keep it to one thread per question you will likely get better answers and cause yourself and the helpers less confusion.

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13 posts

I accidently posted first one under general category, is there a way to delete it?

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32253 posts

danielle, When you're logged into the HelpLine, you'll be able to delete your first Post. Look on the left side for "Edit / Delete". You may want to delete this one instead, as your other Thread has a few replies.