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Madrid Barajas Airport to Atocha Train Station

What's the best way to get from the Madrid Airport to Atocha Train Station? Our flight arrives at 9:30 am and we have a 12:30 train reservation.

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10 posts

Hi, There is a bus that it only costs something like 2E and takes if I remember correctly about 45 min to arrive at the train station. Check with the information booth at the airport. Others on the this board can probably give you more precise info. Enjoy! -Ruth

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1878 posts

I suggest that you investigate the metro to get into town from the airport, it's really easy.

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133 posts

I recommend the Airport Express bus. It costs 2 euro and takes you directly to the Atocha Renfe station. It will take about 30 minutes at that time of day. You can also get there on the metro but you will have to change trains at least once. The stations have elevators but they are not always convenient to the platforms, so you might have to heft your luggage up and down stairs.

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1178 posts

The new airport express (express aeropuerto) bus connecting Madrid Barajas airport and the city centre 24 hours a day came into service last week. The bus leaves every 20 minutes during the day, and after 11pm at 25-35 minute intervals. You can take the bus from outside the arrivals (lowest floor) at T1, T2 and T4 at the airport, where it will take you directly to the centre, stopping at O'Donnell, Plaza de Cibeles and Atocha Renfe railway station. However returning to the airport you can only take it from Atocha Renfe bus interchange as it makes no stops. After midnight the bus terminates at and leaves from Plaza de Cibeles (the stop is outside the massive post office building where Paseo del Prado meets Cibeles). The journey takes 30 minutes and costs 2€. The buses are easy to spot as they are painted bright yellow. For more details and the bus timetable, see the Exprés Aeropuerto page on the EMT website. The above is from their web site when the service just opened. You might check it for any current postings, but it will be the most direct route. The metro is good, but you will be close to the limit of your time by the time you navigate it.

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17238 posts

We used the airport bus last May and it was perfect. Fast, convenient, comfortable, and very inexpensive. Two euros, pay as you board. When you get off, you may want to ask for directions tom the AVe departure lounge ( assuming you already have your tickets), as Atocha is a bit confusing.