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debit cards

One of Steves' books describes European debit cards as containing a chip. US debit cards contain a strip. The question is whether the strip works in place of the chip. I've contacted my bank and they did not know if US would work in European, or specifically, French, ATMs.I attempted to call the French Travel Office in Chicago and there was no answer. Has anyone attempted to use debit cards from US banks in ATMs in France and,if so, do they work. Thanks. Ross

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23420 posts

I answered your question the first time you posted this question. Asking it twice will not improve the quality of the answers.

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2 posts

Yes, your debit card will work in France. We use ours all the time when we are there without any problem. The chip cards are different from the strip cards, they are not interchangeable. You cannot use the strip cards in some gas stations and toll booths. Most all other places take both kind of cards. I wish we had chip cards in the U.S., as they are more secure and state of the art. Enjoy your trip to France, I'm sure you will love it!

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32241 posts

Ross, Your magnetic strip card should work without any problems at ATM's but may not work for POS transactions. Note that your travel funds must usually be in a chequing account with a four number PIN. I'd recommend packing a "backup" ATM card if possible, in case of any problems with your primary card. Happy travels!

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186 posts

ATM's yes. Some point of sale, no. Including purchasing rail tickets. Get the cash at ATM. Buy product at window.