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Seville to Lisbon - Bus/Plane?

My wife and I are going to be travelling from Seville to Lisbon. I've found a flight for ~$110 and a bus trip for ~$55. One of the trips goes through Faro, so you have to buy a ticket from Seville to Faro and then Faro to Lisbon. It may be cool to spend a day in Faro. What do you guys suggest I do? Do you know of any good airlines or bus companies for these routes?
Thank you

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We used Faro as a airport, and a rental car stop. Don't remember anything worth seeing, but? Use to shop for lo-cost inter-EU airlines. Make sure that the one that you pick flys into the major airport, not some obscure place. Luggage restrictions are VERY tight on these airlines, so take a good look at their websites. Bus trip? Wow, 5 hrs at the least, but probably closer to 7. Transportation between these points is covered in RS Spain and Portugal book. I really would be looking at the plane!