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Railpass Reservations

We are traveling on trains between Paris, Munich, Venice, Florence and Rome. We are trying to understand connections and reservations. Any advice??? Should we pay to have this arranged?? We are reading that we need bus transfers. Please advise us.

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19240 posts

I'm not sure I understand all that you find to be a problem. Trains from Paris to Munich to Venice to Florence to Rome should be very straight-forward. Nowhere should you need a bus. Look up train connections on the German Rail website. I also don't understand "pay to have it arranged". You should be able to arrange it yourself.

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23564 posts

A little clarity please -- what are you trying to accomplish. Train travel is no different than air travel in the US except easier. Use a train site, is good site for schedules. Plug in the dates, the beginning point and ending point you will will get a variety of potentials routes. If not a direct route it will indicate the change points/cities. Need an explanation for "need bus transfers."