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Bernina Express

My husband and I will be touring Switzerland and the general area in late March/early April. We are particularly interested in taking the Bernina Express south to Tirano, but are not clear if the bus connection to Lugano is operating at that time of year. What are our options? We ideally would like to take the train from Munich south to Tirano and eventually get to Venice for a few days. We thought we could take the bus/train combination from Tirano to Lugano through Milan and on to Venice. Any suggestions? Perhaps we will have to consider a Plan B...or C.

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17245 posts

At Tirano you can change to an Italian train that goes directly to Milan in 2.5 hours. It is faster and easier than going through Lugano.

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7 posts

THANKS! We are putting the final touches on the itinerary and train schedule. That was very helpful!