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Normandy and Loire Valley

We have 3 nights and 4 full days after we leave Bruge, before we check into our apartment in Paris. My husband is interested in D-Day (Normandy area) and I am interested in some of the castles in the Loire Valley area. I cannot figure out how to logically travel to these 2 regions in the most efficient way. Should I only focus on Normandy and do a day trip to Loire while we are in Paris? Any suggestions? Help!

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9110 posts

Get as far into France as you can quickly from Brugge. Rent a car and press on to Bayeux. Spend the night. See the WWII stuff the next day, Spend another night if you need to and look around for another half day, then head for the Loire (or St Malo / MSM if that suits your fancy). From Bayeux to Angers is three hours. Enter the Loire valley and look around for what's left of the day, then spend the night. Finish the valley the next day and drive the rest of the way in to Paris (stopping at Chartres if you can). Dump the car. You've got to pick up and drop the car in France. If you pick it up in Belgium and drop it in Frances, the cost will skyrocket.

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1986 posts

I think Ed has an excellent summary in a nutshell.

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83 posts

We were in both Normandy and the Loire in early November. Certainly both are worthy of your time and doable in your time frame. We stayed at a B and B near Amboise and toured three chateaus in a day and a half. At Normandy we stayed in Bayeaux and we spent one day going from Arromanche to Omaha Beach. The American cemetery is just a must-see. Wish all Americans could see it. We also spent a day driving up to Honfleur through Caen.

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27 posts

Yes, I've been reading RS books. This is the last leg of a 3 week trip and I just want to make sure that we travel in the most efficient manner. Should we take the train from Bruge to Paris, Rouen or to Caen, then drive to "all of the Must see's". We plan on sleeping 2 nights in Bayeux. Should we DRIVE to Amboise or take a train to Tours and rent a car to drive around....I have researched until my eyes are bleeding, and just need to know what to do! Thanks fellow travelers for helping a rookie.