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Munich Train Station

I have to arrange a place to meet a relative at the Munich train station. Any suggestions?

Posted by
19238 posts

The Munich Hauptbahnhof is a stub station, i.e., trains come in from one end and go back out the same end. The tracks don't go clear through. At the end of the tracks 12-26 in the main part of the station, there is a large open area with a food court in the southern half of it. There are tables there; the first ones there could sit and watch for the others. You could plan to meet in the middle of that area, opposite the track 16/17 platform, where the passage goes out to the rest of the station and the front door. The Reisezentrum is nearby.

How do each of you plan to get to the Hbf? That could have a bearing on where best to meet.

Posted by
10554 posts

Thanks Lee. We will all be arriving by train. We are coming from Italy and my cousin is coming from Cologne. I think her train will arrive 20 minutes or so before ours will.

Posted by
19238 posts

You are probably arriving on one of the ECs from Italy arriving on tracks 11 or 13. She should be able to see it on the arrival board and be waiting at the end of the platform for you.

Posted by
12313 posts

It's a pretty large station. I think you would be better off meeting in front of the TI or other specific place.

Posted by
115 posts

I wish I could remember the names of some of the vendors.....but I always set a meeting up spot of the Starbucks in the station with my is on the outer edge of the station, by one of the main entrances....One thing my family can do always is find a coffee vendor! there are also international vendors there...but ones like burger king if I remember are on the second level/balcony area...which is good in the sense that you can sit there and keep your eyes on the floor for anyone. it is a very large station..but is very organized. Does anyone know the names of the larger vendors you can meet by perhaps?

Posted by
32325 posts


You might have a look at a "virtual view" of the Munich HBf to get some idea of a good meeting place.

Go to and click the "Virtueller HBF" link. When you click on one of the small yellow dots, it will provide a picture of that area. You can rotate the photo by placing the cursor on it and "dragging".

The image is small, but should be adequate. You could always meet in front of one of the well known fast food restaurants.


Posted by
4412 posts

Andrea, one good thing about meeting at the head of a track is that it's not going to close, change names, undergo renovation, etc. Last year's Mc Donald's might be a Quick Burger place today, or the new TI. And the track number signs are easy to find.

As Lee said [although what does HE know ;-)], it is a 'stub' station; you could forward his link to your relative, and coordinate your meeting place. Maybe right at the post for the train track/gleis, or wherever.

In my experience, the food court can get really busy; it might be hard to find someone there. The end of the tracks don't really have much going on. AND there's no getting confused about 'WHERE at the dead end of track 13' to meet. Although I've known some people who could mess up those instructions...