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Trains to Versailles

Are the "V" trains still running from CDG to Versailles? The 2008 book says they do, but I could not find any information in Rick's 2009 book. Even a page number would be appreciated - or a telephone number. This is my 1st trip to France.

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Steve, thank you very much. I really appreciate your time and help with my 2 questions.

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1010 posts

Hello Linda. My husband and I spent 6 nights in Paris, in June. We took a few "Gray Line Tours". They are a good tour company to see all the various sights. Then you can go back and see which ever sights you want to later. One of our tours included Versailles and Giverney (full day trip). We didn't really think Versailles was anything special. It is very ostentatious and gaudy. We enjoyed the little bit of time we had on the grounds though. We rather enjoyed going to see Monet's house (at Giverney), the gardens, his Lily Pond and his Famous Bridge. It is really neat to see the exact locations where he did his paintings. Elaine Obermann

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Elaine: Thanks for the tour information. We are going to start our trip from Versailles as that is where we are to pick up our car and then we are going to make a quickie visit to St. Malo in Brittany and then hit the Loire Valley and spend some time in Chinon and then on further south. I can only wish that we had a couple of months to do this, but even the time we have there will be precious (it's my first trip to France).

Many thanks.