On July 16, I arrived 3 1/2 hours early for a Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt am Main non-stop to Orlando, Florida. I watched the clerk place the white tags on the 2 bags that I checked. When I picked the bags up in Orlando, the white tags were missing. And, several items were missing from the duffle bag. It is not possible to put a lock it. If security had inspected the bag, they are suppose to place a notice in the bag. The amount was not large, but one of the items was my appointment book. Usually, I do not tke it out of the country, but granddaughter had 7 1/2 hours of brain surgery, and things were a bit upset before my departure. (She is recovering slowly but positively.) Anyway, I just put it into the bag because I did have time to copy addresses.
If you have a problem, please report and let's help put a stop to this. I understand the same type of theft was happening at JFK.