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Arles or Avignon?

My husband & I are planning on spending 5 days in Southern France and are not sure whether we should stay in Arles or Avignon for several of those days...We have heard good things about both. Any suggestions? We are also planning on heading to Nice afterwards so any recommendations on accomodations would be great. (We are backpacking so are looking for either budget hotel or hostel)

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144 posts

I love Arles! It's not a beautiful town, nor quaint. It's a workingman's town and very bustling but it has absolutely the best restaurants I've ever eaten at anywhere. That alone makes it worth a stay. It's also right on the train line, has cheap hotels and fantastic Roman sights including a great arena. If you've seen the movie "Ronin" with Robert DeNiro & Jean Reno, the big car and foot chase scene is in Arles. Very few tourists stay here but we've stayed a week here doing day trips by car all over Provence. It's a great base and has plenty of free parking. Avignon is a beautiful city with a stunning Papal Palace but parking is impossible and the hotels are very pricey and it gets very crowded with tourists.

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11 posts

Thanks Katherine!! That's helpful!
If we were to stay in Arles, is it easy to get to nearby towns such as Avignon or Nimes? We will have the eurail pass (no car)

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590 posts

I stayed in Arles last year and daytripped to Avignon. It was very easy by train and they run frequently. Arles was great and I didn't regret spending the night there instead of Avignon. It was much more of a relaxed atmosphere.

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273 posts

Arles is great. Avignon is such a large city I felt you get more of the provence flavor from Arles.

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204 posts

If you do decide to stay in Arles- you must go to the Restaurant up the street from the Arena- The Cricket. Absolutely the best meal we had in France. Reservations are a must as it is small.

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842 posts

We just got back from Arles, and we thought it was a fantastic base for our exploration of the Provence area. We used a rental car.

It had wonderful restaurants, friendly people, and great sites. and it is sooooooooo affordable (Our hotel was only $80 EU/nite;$96 with breakfast)

Make sure that you eat at Bistro au Vins. Ariana is wonderful, and so is her very reasonably priced food and wine.

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4132 posts

re your train question: Picture a triangle, with Arles, Avignon, & Nimes as the vertices. The sides of the triangle are the rail lines--all very frequent and easy.

There are logistical arguments for Avignon, maybe, but easier rail access to Nimes isn't one of them.