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3 Questions regarding Switzerland

Hello everyone,
I'm in the midst of doing an Excel spreadsheet for all the various options so I can decide which pass to choose during my one week visit to Berner Oberland.
Here are my questions for anyone who has visited the places below:

1) Is visit to Einstein's house in Bern free with Swiss pass? This is not mentioend either by Rick or their website.

2) Are lake cruises on Lake Lucerne, Zurich's lake and Lake Thun free with swiss pass?

3) Is entrance to the Trummelback Falls free with Swiss pass?

Posted by
7209 posts

1) Don't know

2) Yes, Lake Ferries are a part of the integrated Swiss Transport System. Now there may be some special "cruise" ships that are not part of the Swiss Transport but I have no knowledge about them.

3) No - but when staying in Murren we were given a "sports-card" that gave us free entrance into the Murren community pool as well as a small discount into Trummelbach Falls.

Trummelbach is not an expensive place.

Posted by
9109 posts

Neither the Einstein House or the Falls are covered by the Swiss Pass. You can view the complete list here:
Some attractions that don't accept the pass will offer a discount instead, so it doesn't hurt to ask. The lake cruises are covered.

Posted by
91 posts

Thank you Tim and Michael :)

Posted by
1358 posts

Even if these points are not covered by the pass, visit them anyway. A year from now you will enjoy the memories and never even remember the cost.

I have made the same decision in the past and never regretted spending the bucks.

Posted by
91 posts

Hi Carl,
Thanks for replying! Yes, we will definitely be visiting the falls and the Einstein museum even if we had not decided on the Swiss pass. I just needed the cost for my Excel spreadsheet :)
I saw a video of the Falls on You tube (just search for Trummeback Falls) and it seemed amazing! It has definitely piqued my interest and curiosity.