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B&B in Paris

My husband has a very healthy appetite and I would like to find a fairly centrally located B&B Style Accommodation for just the 2 of us that is reasonably priced.. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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10344 posts

Paris isn't a B&B kind of place. I'm not saying there aren't any, but basically in Paris your accommodations choices are hotels, apartments, or hostels. Sounds like you'll be looking for a hotel. Given your "husband's very healthy appetite," assure him that many/most hotels in Paris give you the option of breakfast at your hotel, which is convenient but will be more than the price of breakfast at the corner cafe, with less ambience.

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24 posts

Hi Kent, thank you so much i really appreciate your comments.

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707 posts

I ran into this B&B agency on the web. But my posting asking for input about it has not received any responses!?! Guess no one else has used it.

Check it out and see what you think.