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Happy Thanksgiving

I know many of you have not gone to bed yet as it is still Wed. but on this side of the pond, it is Thursday.

Therefore, as the first person up (other than you folks in Australia) I would like to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving holiday. I know this is an American holiday, but thought sending good thoughts out into cyberspace is never a bad idea.

It has been a real pleasure getting to know so many of you these past few months. Though we all complain about this and that sometimes, on the whole I believe most of us are grateful for all the wonderful things in our lives. We get to travel, meet new people, share our love of travel with our friends, gaze in awe at ancient works and beautiful churches and buildings, walk the streets of small towns and large, immerse ourselves in the history that has gone before us, perhaps from our ancestors or family members, and basically get to enjoy life. We live in countries where we are free, have enough to eat, plenty of clean water, we can worship as we choose or not, speak freely without fear, and have the opportunity to live a meaningful life.

So, on this Thanksgiving day, 2008, I am grateful to be here and wish you and your families all the very best.

Posted by
9369 posts

Very nicely said, Jo. Thank you very much, and all the best to your family, too.

Posted by
511 posts

Thank you Jo and I concur with Nancy...very well said! We all should take time out of our busy lives to be thankful for all we have. Wishing everyone on this board a wonderful Thanksgiving and all the best to your families!


Posted by
2779 posts

Make ist a public holiday and we'll talk! But because of it being Thanksgiving today we're having turkey steaks, stuffing and some veggies made according to recepies for dinner after work tonight... Usually the MacGowan's pub on Berger St. in Frankfurt-Bornheim is packed with ex-pats on days like this...

Posted by
6788 posts

Thanks, and a happy turkey day to you, too, Jo. But I have to ask...

Why are the French rude to Americans on Thanksgiving?

I'm planning to visit 6 cities on Thanksgiving - is that moving too fast?

Will my American electronics require adapters to work in Europe on Thanksgiving?

Where should I exchange my dollars for Euros on Thanksgiving?

Can someone suggest a good hotel in Amsterdam where I can sleep for less than 25 Euros on Thanksgiving?

Do I need an international driving permit to drive in Europe on Thanksgiving?

I want to bring a gallon of homemade turkey gravy with me on my flight. Do you think the TSA will allow that?

How's the weather going to be in Europe on Thanksgiving?

After I eat all that turkey, won't a money belt feel all sweaty and make me look fat?

I'm off to Europe for the first time! I'm not real big on museums, castles, churches or old stuff. Any suggestions on where I should go...for Thanksgiving?

I'm planning to fly to Zurich to spend Thanksgiving with my new boyfriend whom I met just once briefly, but I don't speak the language, can't find my way around, don't know much about what I might be getting myself into, and I don't have any money. Could anything possibly go wrong with this plan?

and last of all...

Is it OK to wear shorts on Thanksgiving?

Have a nice holiday folks!

Posted by
19232 posts

What does everyone else have to be thankful for

In my case, I guess, it is that I am still alive.

As some of you know, I had cancer surgery in February; it was, apparently, successful. Although it was not yet diagnosed in October, 2007, I knew then that I had cancer, and I really thought that the trip that October would be my last, ever. In fact, I put off telling my doctors because I thought the news would be bad and, once I told them, I would never go again.

The lesson here is, colon cancer is one of the most curable (and common) forms of cancer. I wish I had known that a year (two, three years) ago; you know it now.

Early detection and treatment are essential. If you have symptoms, don't put it off, tell your doctor.

So, that is what I have to be thankful for. Happy Thankgiving, everyone.

Posted by
448 posts

and it's also Thursday morning in France...when my French husband headed off to work in the city, at 6:00am, he asked if we'd be having turkey? I said "forget it, we had chicken last night and that's close enough. Tonight it's fresh ground burgers, mashed potatoes with marscapone and garlic, and a slice of foie gras (the cheap the best for Christmas) on a mache salade"....Enjoy you pumpkin and pecan pies...and as Jo mentioned "plenty of clean water"...still amazes me that that is not available to everyone.

Posted by
16031 posts

David...the answers to your qeustions are:

Because they can



Food Bank

Yes we "can," but we won't.


Only if you share

Good, Thankfully



Not at all--but please share whatever you're on to think this

Yes, only the Turkey needs to be dressed properly.

These answers are only good on Thansgiving.

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!!!!!!

Posted by
123 posts

Well stated Jo. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone from the blue hills of Kentucky!

Posted by
19232 posts

As someone previously said, "Well stated", Jo.

And I will add, as my German physician said, "Frohes Truthahnfest".

Posted by
208 posts

Thanks Jo, and appreciate all your good info for all the questions that get posted on this site.
60 degrees and sunny in Mt Juliet, Tn for Thanksgiving and all the family will be here shortly.
As I posted a few weeks ago, I'm still out of a job due to a layoff so have some concerns there but have not cancelled any of my plans for my 19 day trip in 09 yet. Still hope to be able to make it as airfare had been booked.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone from TC in TN.

Posted by
1523 posts

What to be thankful for? Our two kids are home from college. My wife's sister is roasting the bird. I was going to wash clothes today for our Sunday departure for Frankfurt; but, my son brought his dirty clothes home with him and beat me to the washer. All is good.

What does everyone else have to be thankful for?

Regards, Gary

Posted by
48 posts

Thank you Jo. We land in Munich on Tues at 5:30 pm..we leave San Francisco Monday night. Wishing you the best also!

Posted by
2092 posts

Yes, Happy Thanksgiving to a wonderful group of people! I don't post too often unless I feel I have something really worthwhile to offer but I sure enjoy everyone and everyone's comments. Thank you!

Posted by
11507 posts

Happy Thanksgiving Americans, sorry this might come a bit late, didn't realize it was today for you!! Hope you all enjoy lovely dinners, turkey or not!

I'm grateful to live in a free and safe country ,, everyday one picks up the paper and just thinks , what accident of birth makes it safe for me to walk down my street , but somewhere another mother is afraid to go to the well for water, or get on a public bus wondering if it will explode, etc etc.

We who frequent boards like this are all lucky in many ways,, we have either the luxury to travel, or at the least the luxury to dream of it!