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We are going in Sept. and would like to find someone who has stayed in Zermatt and can recommend a good place to stay?

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11507 posts

I have been to Zermatt, but it was about 8 years ago.
We stayed at the Hotel Atlanta.It was very nice, down duvets, view of Matterhorn, good hearty breakfast. It is not a luxuray hotel at all, but sparkling clean and lovely,, we did see many other even nicer hotels, Zermatt is filled with them.

I loved Zermatt and would return in a heartbeat. I should warn you it is expensive,, everything cost more up there, but worth it.

I would strongly suggest you go on the website and go on the Switzerland forums and read the reader posted hotel reviews..very helpful.

PS If you go,, I know this sound morbid, but consider visiting the graveyard there. Many of the gravestones are of mountaineers , or climbing guides, some who died attempting to climb the mountains in the area, and some who merely worked as guides for years and died natural deaths, but the headstones are often shaped like pick axes, or have ropes and other climbing gear etched in them or we even saw one grave with real cramptons left on it, very touching.

Do some day hikes, the trails are safe and lovely. I even did some stuff on my own, so nice to hike somewhere you don't have to worry about wild animals( like here, LOL ) .

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1294 posts

We visited in 2001- long before Rick Steves covered it in his Switzerland book. We stayed at Hotel Antika and really liked it. It wasn't the cheapest place in town, but it was reasonable.(of course, in 2001 the dollar was worth $1.10 to the Euro-which was available but not the official currency) It was right across the street from the above mentioned graveyard and we also found the graveyard to be a very interesting visit.

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264 posts

I concur with a lot of the other posts. Zermatt was the highlight of my Swiss experience. I will also second Le Petit Hotel as being friendly, well priced, and having a great view from the roof of the Matterhorn.

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712 posts

We stayed at Le Petite Hotel twice, once in the winter (Skiing vacation) and once in the summer. It is a 2 star hotel. Rooms were small, but the price was right and it was in a good location. On the roof is a sundeck and you have a view of the Matterhorn from there too. Great breakfasts and a restaurant/bar. Old word charm. I googled to see if they had a web site and got lots of listings for it...

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1 posts

I hope this gets to you before you leave. I stayed at Zermatt exactly 1 year ago. Stayed at the Best Western Butterfly Inn. Very nice room, 1 minute from the tram station, great inn keepers, good rates (for Zermatt). If price is not an object (?), there is a great hotel in the center of the town that overlooks everything - has a grotto like entrance with hundreds of candles, you take the elevator up to the lobby - if you are interested, I can see if I can find the name of it (but expensive, has hot tubs, indoor pool, beautiful views).