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costa del sol, spain

Going in a few months. I am nervous about the weather, and that some parts might be really warm, and others a little cool...any thoughts? I will be there for 2 weeks. Do spanish woman only wear skirts/dresses...or will it be appropriate to wear jeans and t-shirts?

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9369 posts

Spanish women wear the same types of things that you would wear. And since you're going to the Costa del Sol, you'll be in a more touristed area anyway, so you'll be among people from everywhere.

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964 posts

Hi Jackie, When you say you're going in a 'few months'- am I right in thinking you mean around November? The winter in Spain is generally warmer than the rest of Europe, but you do need to have some warm clothes with you as it can vary.
I think layers are a good way to go.
Also when it rains in that area, it really chucks it down, so take something waterproof.
And as the previous poster said, the Spanish ladies wear the same gear as the rest of Europe. Jeans and T-shirts are fine.
Hope you have a good trip, IMHO it's a lovely part of the world!