A friend is getting married in Stuttgart, Germany in mid November giving me a great excuse to travel. Beside the wedding, my itenerary is pretty open. I am thinking about flying into Frankfurt and out of Paris (from the US). I do want to see the Lovre, and I've heard great things about the festivals going on in Germany that time year. This will be my first trip to Europe so any tips/suggestions are appreciated! Is it best to travel by train, bus, or air between cities? Thanks!
Thanks Steve! my problem is that all of those things sound interesting to me and i only have two weeks. haha. but i think for this trip i am limiting it to a few big cities. The reason for flying into Frankfurt was to see another city before we spend time in Stuttgart (since we'll be there for the wedding). we also thought about spending a few days in Salzburg and then finishing in Paris. Do you think all that is doable in two weeks? Frankfurt to Stuttgart to Salzburg and finally Paris? it seems like a lot. i really wanted to go to Berlin, but may have to save it for another trip.
thanks for the tips, i'll get some books and start researching!