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Amsterdam to Bacharach

Thinking about taking the train from Amsterdam to Bacharach. There are 2 changes without much time between them-5 minutes or so-Is this enough time? Now I am thinking of going to Koblenz and taking a ferry or boat down the Rhine to Bacharach. Can I do it in a day?

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2779 posts

Lani, you can easily change trains within 5 minutes in most German train stations. No problem at all. Are you thinking of doing a 4 hrs one way train ride to Bacharach and back to Amsterdan (spending a total of 8 hours on trains) in one day? There're hundreds of other sights in the Rhine valley, e.g. St. Goar which is close to Bacharach... I don't think you would have an enjoyable day. Sounds more like a stressfull business trip to me. What is your main intention? Do you want to see the Rhine valley? Or just a romantic old German town?

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4 posts

Thank you for your prompt reply. My 15 year old son and I will be on a school trip in Paris, spending a couple of days in Amsterdam and we will be enroute to see some family (whom I havent seen in 25 years) in Ulm. I thought staying in Bacharach 2 nights would be a nice thing. I intend to visit St. Goar while in the valley. Your thoughts...please?

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4 posts

Oh, and I did want to add, I just want to relax(I know Paris will be hectic!), eat (love that), drink (Nice wines?-miss the beer) and enjoy the country.

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19156 posts

First, you cannot go from Koblenz "down" the Rhein to Bacharach. The river flows the opposite direction.

Second, the trip from Koblenz up the Rhein to Bacharach takes 4-1/2 hours against a very strong current. If you are doing this as a round trip with the other leg by train (39 minutes), consider first taking the train up the river to Bacharach. The trip down to Koblenz takes less than 3 hours.

You can find all of the schedules at

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19156 posts

The DB schedules are designed for you to make the train changes. It should not be a problem as long as 1) you know where (what platform) you are going, and 2) you are prepared to get off (i.e., at the end of the car by the door) when the train stops. You can find the platform number of the connecting trains by entering Amsterdam and Koblenz on the Bahn query page. When you get the list of connections, click on "details" and it will show you all the trains of your routing, the cities where you change trains, and the platform numbers of the trains. For the most part, DB only does this for connections in Germany, but I see that they are showing platform numbers for connections in The Neatherlands, as well.

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4 posts

Lee-OOOPS! thank you! Ok so the river flows the other way. I originally thought to take the train down, I mean up the river anyway. No-it will not be a round trip, but just another leg to our journey.