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Madrid or Barcelona?

My wife and I are going to Europe in September and we are finalizing our itinerary. We have 2 full days left on our itinerary and we are undecided on whether visit Barcelona or Madrid. Which of these 2 cities would you recommend for sightseeing. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

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38 posts

If it is your first time in Spain, I recommend Madrid, as it is the center of Spain and you can experience the Prado for great art, and the old center of town for a real taste of Spain. Eat at Casa Botin and Museo del Jamon!

Barcelona is great too, but is Catalonia, and very distinct. Main attractions are the amazing architecture of Antoni Gaudi (don't miss the Sagrada Familia if you go). I would only choose Barcelona if you have already been to Madrid or Sevilla.

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4555 posts

I agree with Robert....Madrid over Barcelona. Fine museums, the palace, Retiro Park, the Prado, Thyssen and Reina Sofia museums, great restaurants, fantastic nightlife....a place to watch people. Barcelona's OK, but it seems more international than Spanish (or even Catalan).

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74 posts

yes, this is my first trip to Spain. I appreciated your advise. Thank you

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53 posts

We visited both Barcelona and Madrid a couple months ago and my husband and I both preferred Madrid for all the reasons that the previous two people mentioned.

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11 posts

I would recommend Madrid. It is a cleaner city with the more traditional sites to see. The royal palace is a great place to check out. Barcelona is very eccentric and has great nooks to explore. Being right on the water is a plus and adds to the ambiance.

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44 posts

Hate to be the spoiler here, but our family enjoyed Barcelona so much more than Madrid. Of course, we were not into museums as much as getting the feel of the cities. Barcelona had wonderful architecture, the Ramblas was a cultural experience not to be missed, and lovely beaches and side trips made this the perfect city for us.

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177 posts

Boy Gil, what a dilemma to have. Madrid with great tapas bars, world class museums, Retiro Park, the National Palace and easy day trip to Toledo. Or Barcelona with equally great tapas, Las Ramblas, Gaudi, the Gothic Quarter, beautiful beach front and easy daytrip to Monserrat. I wish I were you no matter which you decide.

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38 posts

Barcelona is a great city. But if you have never been to Madrid or Barcelona, and can only visit one, I recommend Madrid first, as a truer introduction to Spain. Which it is.

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194 posts

I would pick Barcelona over Madrid. I absolutely loved Barcelona. I was happy to see Madrid, but didn't love it like I did Barcelona. I loved the culture, the people, all the Gaudi, the ocean ... Hands down, I would pick Barcelona.

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35 posts

I'm in the minority and may have different wants but I thought Madrid was an armpit. Big, noisy, crowded and dirty. I would never go back and if I only had one city in the world I could go to again, it'd be Barcelona. Amazingly beautiful, every step you take, great food, people-watching, museums and people in general. I spent 3 months in Europe in 2002, alone at age 33-ish; my only regret is that my husband has never been.

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1178 posts

Flip a coin - Heads, Barcelona, Tails, Madrid - You can not go wrong with either choice. I have visited both within the past two years, and plan to return this fall. (I will be in Madrid in the fall as I will be again participating in the Vaughantown English program which meets in Madrid.) In Madrid, be sure to see the Prado -- get there early (10 am opening), and plan to spend the day. Good cafe. Get the handheld audio guide. Walk from The Prado to Plaza Santa Ana along Calle Cervantes - Wonderful strech of senic walkway.

In Barcelona, experience the bario (Gothic quarter) with the Cathedral, Roman ruins, and much more. Also, the Picasso Museum is fantastic, as well as Las Ramblas.

You will not go wrong with either choice!

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1455 posts

Gil, I am probaby in the minority but I liked Barcelnoa more... especially if you only have 2 days.

Barcelona is one city you can see in the short time and I felt the archetecture was nicer in Barcelona than Madrid. We stayed in Barcelona for 3 days and 2 days did the hop on/hop off bus to get the most out of our visit. The 3 days was sufficient although we will be going back to finish anything we missed out on.

Madid, IMHO, was more "big city"... not as intimate or friendly. Plus 2 days won't do it any justice.