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Bastille Day in France?

I was born on Bastille Day, will turn 30 this year and would like to spend my birthday in France. Could anyone offer advice on where to spend Bastille Day other than Paris?

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8 posts


My 14 year-old grand daughter and I were in Paris two years ago on Bastille day and it was great! Parade, fly-over, Fire works that night at the Tour Eiffel-the most spectacular I have ever seen. Go, have a great time and a HAPPY Birthday


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131 posts

We were in Collioure (a RS recommendation and a highlight of the trip to France!)near the Spanish border. We were supposed to leave the morning of Bastille Day for Arles, with the double train no-no of it being a Sunday- so of course the train was cancelled.

We walked back to town with about 5 hours until the next scheduled train and right into the middle of their celebration- a little brass brand was marching and lots of people (tourists and local people) followed behind waving small French flags- bunting and larger flags were everywhere. They laid a wreath at the memorial for their WWI dead in the little park, and then were preparing for a huge picnic. We had some lunch in a bar with the TV showing the huge parade in Paris (I was surprised at all the military displays).

We arrived quite late in Arles that evening and although exhausted went down to the river for the fireworks- the most amazing I have ever seen.

It might not matter where- something wonderful will happen!

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1806 posts

I would not shy away from Paris because you are afraid Parisians will treat you poorly for being an American. That is a total myth and one that is easily dispelled once you get there.

In a month of travelling Northern France, I encountered only two people who weren't very nice - one was a postal worker and the other sold tickets for the Paris metro. Not for one second do I believe this had anything to do with my being an American. I've run into plenty of postal workers and subway booth workers in the U.S. that are just as surly - in fact, I think it might be a requirement to even get that kind of job.

If you are pushy, loud, obnoxious, impatient, and don't make any attempt to speak a few pleasantries in French (a simple "Bonjour, Madame" and "Au Revoir" goes a long way), then sure...some Parisians might wish you had chosen another place to vacation. Think about how you'd react to that kind of person in your hometown if the shoe was on the other foot.

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3313 posts

Kay, if you've already been in southern France, you have the experience to handle Paris. As long as you use the courtesies you already know, Paris is a very friendly and safe city. I think it would be a great place to celebrate your 30th birthday.

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712 posts

My sister was married on July 14. For their 25th wedding anniversary they decided to spend the week in Paris before traveling down to the Med for their 2nd week . They had a blast, but it was their first time to Europe. They compared it to 4th of July but more fun. Paris is like being in a big city like New York. You run into people from all over and some are nicer then others just like in New York. There is so much to see in Paris and you should not worry about some of the people you might run into. Just chalk it up to a "Big city" experience, it comes with the territory. The people in the countryside and small towns are less hurried and more relax. In America I would not pass up having seen New York, Washington DC, Chicago, San Francisco because I might run into 1 or 2 rude people. Go and enjoy you 30th birthday. You'll have no regrets.

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506 posts

When I hear people say they have unpleasant experiences in Paris, I realize that it is commonly due to language barrier and difference in culture. Paris is unique in France. It is said that there is Paris and then the rest of France. I would not however base your experience on that of a few others. It is hard to expect a culture as proud as the French and Americans to always see eye to eye.

Fête nationale as it is called in France is best celebrated in Paris. The military parade immediately takes you back thinking what WWI and WWII must have been like. It is magnificent from a culture aspect. There is a respect for history here in Paris that is not seen in such grandeur anywhere else.
Last year Monsieur le Président Sarcozy promised a big fireworks celebration and it was - from the Champs de Mars and Trocadero surrounding the Tour Eiffel.

I am sure you can find a pleasant experience in Paris as well.

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151 posts

My husband and I (40's)were also in Paris for Bastille Day two years ago as well and we did not even plan for it. The day was wonderful and the fireworks over Eiffel were outstanding. We had no problems and everyone was very friendly. We sat next to people who came from England for Bastille day. It is all about the excitment with so much going on in such a great city. It was picture perfect for us. It would actually be a great way to celebrate your 30th with such a show of fabulous fireworks! You will always remember your 30th! Go for it!

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11507 posts

Well actually you are being VERY unfair, and not just to Paris , but to yourself. Paris for Bastille day is a very exciting and fun place to be,, everytown will have some celabrations, but, Paris is the Queen , and they pull out all the stops there!

At 30 it is time to stop listening to your friends.

Curious, what exactly are "many" friends complaining about,, I always wonder , funny, Canadians and
Australians never seem to have as many complaints about " rude treatment" and since the average french person cannot tell if you are American or Canadian or what ever.. how and why do Americans always assume that they are treated differently!!!!!!!!!!