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110v to 220v converter and 50hz

Hi, I bought a expensive kitchen machin in Spain. Know I am living in the USA, and need a volt and hz converter. Thank

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9110 posts

Clunky, ugly, at least two hundred bucks, and prone to failure or causing premature appliance failure.

Alibaba might be the place to start. Stay away from travel models, they'll fail even faster.

Posted by
16895 posts

Web shopping sounds like your best bet, since it's not a widely sold product.

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8190 posts

If you own your home another option might be to pay a licensed electrician to put a 220 outlet in the kitchen and change the plug on the appliance. If you have an electric stove or dryer you have 220 in the house. But when you move ... ... ? Sadly, buying the appliance was a mistake.

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34687 posts

May I ask what type of kitchen machine it is? You ask for both voltage and frequency (Hz). Voltage is easy. Frequency is hard and very expensive.

Have a look at Frys electronics at which is where we got our big transformers when we moved to the UK many years ago.

You can step up the electric voltage with a large heavy transformer but it will do nothing for the frequency. That's why I asked what it was you bought. If I know that I may be able to indicate what the different frequency will do to your machine, or if it won't care.

You could also write what the input plate says on the device. By indicating amps or watts we can calculate the size of an appropriate transformer. It is good to match the transformer to the device.

Posted by
5837 posts

As Nigel notes, the difference in frequency may be a problem if your device has an AC electric motor. The 60 Hz US AC will drive an AC motor 20% faster (RPMs) than 50 Hz power.

Power conversation is simpler if your device is only power sensative, I.e. watts, in that only the voltage needs to be converted. Typical electronic devices need direct current so "power cubes" typically not only step down the voltage, but convert the AC (alternating current) to DC (direct current).

You need to check the specification of your device for its power requirements. As others have noted, US houses with high amperage devices such as electric stoves or water heaters often have 220v power.

Posted by
3 posts

Thanks for all your answer!!
I bought a german kitchen robot called thermomix.
At the bottom of the machine there is warning that says: 220-240 V and 50/60Hz, maw 1500w (last point is operation of the machine). There is also a picture with an M that correspond to 500W and a picture that I can describe like a spring that correspond to 1000W.
Despite that the warning set a range of 50/60Hz, I am afraid that the real frecuency of the electricity is below the limit of converter, and can damage the machine.

Posted by
9110 posts

Line voltage can fluctuate depending on demand placed on the power company's substation that serves your area. Frequency will remain constant. Your tags indicate it would work.

All homes built in the last zillion years, by building code, have 220v somewhere regardless if a electric water heater, dryer, or stove is in use. Both 110v and 220v have the same frequency at your service entrance. Getting it over to an outlet is going to be expensive since each 220v outlet is a separate circuit from the main fuse / cb box.

I'd be looking at trying to find a replacement motor that runs on US household voltage.

Posted by
34687 posts

Based on what you report a 2000 watt step up transformer should be fine. It cost you a fair bit to buy and the transformer will be a few bux too, so it might be worth checking with customer support. Internet shows plenty of support.

The gizmo does seem to do everything bar washing the dishes so must have some sort of brain, but the label you say says 50/60Hz so with a good transformer I would go for it.

It isn't doing you much good in the box.

When we moved the opposite direction we went down to Frys and a a super big one, a medium one and 3 1500 watters. Nearly 20 years later all the transformers are still going strong. They don't get much use now, mostly just for a Cuisinart food processor and same brand chopper, and an ancient Farber griddle - all of which are just fine. We still have the ancient Hoover vacuum cleaner in the attic which works with the biggest transformer but normally use a much smaller locally bought Miele.

I can understand the reluctance to plug in lots of money for fear of watching it become a column of smoke.

Call customer service.