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Spanish Riding School in Vienna

I was wondering if anyone who has been to a performance can tell me which are the best seats to get. I can't afford the high end tickets for 110-85 euros but am willing to spend 85 euros if they are absolutely a lot better than the less expensive seats. I read somewhere that visibility is not that great so I'd rather spend 45 euros if it won't be much more different than the 70 euro tickets. Unfortunately, standing room is out of the question because I will be with my elderly mother.

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3551 posts

I attended the practice performance due to costs and thought it was wonderful. It was a dress rehersal and I recommend sitting as far forward as possible. I still remember it like yesterday.

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10344 posts

The training sessions are a good value.

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157 posts

If money is no object, sit in the King's box and pay the big bucks. Since standing room is out, you will be perfectly happy with the "cheap seats."

For those of us that also need more than just the performance, as previous posters mention, the morning practice (combine this with the tour ticket) is a great way to see more (all for about 25 euro). The morning exercise ticket is "open seating," so queue up early and you will get a good seat (plus the opening part of the tour starts in the box).

The venue is pretty compact - so there are really no "bad" places. But the ultra-high-end seats are the only totally unobstructed seats. Any other require looking at the horses on the other side of the arena, or if you are ringside, leaning over the side.

I'd go with the less expensive tickets, then go back again, but each to his own . . .