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Where to go to from Dublin

Attending a conference in Dublin the end of June. my two teenage sons (14/18) will be accompanying me. None of us have been to Europe before. Have done extensive other traveling together. Looking for recommendations on how to spend 7-10 days traveling post conference. Thought about flying to Rome ...then thought about train to Rome. Would appreciate recommendations and proposed itineraries. Thank you!

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9363 posts

What's wrong with staying in Ireland? There is so much to see and do there, you wouldn't have increased travel costs or travel time, and they speak English. You could certainly spend 7-10 days there, or in combination with, say, England.

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3 posts

Thanks Nancy. That certainly is an option. We were hoping to get a little more exposure to other parts of Europe while there.

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1806 posts

With advance booking, lots of cheap flights from Dublin to other places in Europe. Aer Lingus often runs special deals. Just make sure you understand where you are landing (ie, Aer Lingus goes right into CDG in Paris, but RyanAir flies into Beauvais which is a considerable distance from Paris), and you read the fine print about luggage allowances and extra fees the budget carriers will slap you with if you don't follow their rules. Play by their rules and you can get a great deal. Don't and you will be posting some complaint here about how RyanAir is evil because you didn't read the fine print... With 7 to 10 days total time for a trip, flying will be much quicker. And if you have not bought your international flight tickets yet, consider flying open jaw into Dublin and out of Rome or wherever you end up so you don't waste time backtracking to Dublin for the flight home.